It’s unreasonably difficult to find information about working with custom taxonomies and their terms in the WordPress REST API. It would be easy to conclude that it’s not possible or that one has to create a custom endpoint to achieve that functionality.
It ends up being fairly straightforward, so I’m sharing what I learned here in case it saves someone else time.
The developer REST API reference endpoint list doesn’t make any obvious reference to custom taxonomies or terms. If you end up on the tags endpoint reference page, you’ll see that there’s a way to work with these terms in the standard post_tag taxonomy, but no way to specify a custom taxonomy during write operations. There’s actually a taxonomies endpoint reference page that doesn’t seem to be linked to from the main navigation anywhere, but can be found in a search; still, nothing on it about working with terms in those taxonomies.
The second two are optional, where you can define the REST API url slug and controller you want to use; if you leave them out it will use the default terms controller and a slug derived from your taxonomy definition.
With this code in place, you’ll now have two new REST API endpoints available:
You can then essentially treat those the same way as the tags endpoints, getting/posting to create, update and retrieve terms in that custom taxonomy. For example, to create a new term:
POST https://example.test/wp-json/wp/v2/my-taxonomy-api-slug
name:My First Term
I’ve submitted a pull request to the WP API docs to add at least one pointer in the documentation to help others on a similar quest get there faster.
Updated May 3 @ 11:49 AM Eastern to note that the second two taxonomy registration options rest_base and rest_controller_class are optional to define, thanks to Marcus Kober for noting this.
After not finding anyone else who has done so, I created a minimal PHP implementation of the CrowdTangleAPI, which I needed anyway for a project I’m working on:
$client = new ChrisHardie\CrowdtangleApi\Client($accessToken);
// get lists
// get accounts in a list
// get posts
'accounts' => '12345678',
'startDate' => '2022-03-01',
// get a single post
I’m sure there’s plenty to improve but I hope it’s helpful to anyone working with CrowdTangle in PHP.
My washer and dryer can tell my smart watch when they are done washing and drying. A voice assistant in my kitchen can update my grocery list. Documents in selected folders on my laptop can be synced to data centers around the world in an instant.
These things are possible through the use of APIs, which most every user-facing service, tool, device and ecosystem out there these days seems to understand are an essential part of their offering. APIs give users, developers and partners a way to build new things on top of the thing you already offer. They give people flexibility to integrate a service, tool or device into their lives in a way that makes sense for them. APIs help encourage wide adoption and extensibility.
The industry that seems to be far behind in offering powerful APIs to end users? Personal banking, and related billing systems for utilities and credit card companies.
When I want to check the current balance on my personal checking account, I have to follow a multi-step process in a web browser or mobile app.
When I want to get the latest PDF copy of a bill from my mobile phone carrier, it’s something like 10 clicks across three different websites.
When I want to initiate a bill payment on a credit card provider that doesn’t support automatic drafting from my bank, it’s a similarly long process.
The other day a rep from a utility told me I had to call them to request a form be mailed to me so I could fill it out and mail it back to them, just in order to set up automatic payments from a bank account.
And when I want to be notified about certain kinds of activity from these institutions, I have to log in to each one to go through their proprietary grid of checkboxes and verification methods to set up push alerts or text messages…if they offer notifications at all.
Indeed, accessing and working with my personal financial information is one of the most cumbersome, high-friction, analog things I do any more. Personal banking and bill payment feels like swimming in mud compared to the light speed of most of the rest of the information economy.
Why is there so much friction in personal banking and financial transactions?
Let’s say your WordPress site has some set of custom functionality that is important to the overall operation of the site, and you want to know right away if it’s not working as expected, even if the site is otherwise “up” and working fine. There could be anywhere from 0 to many things needing attention at any given time, and you don’t want to receive a flood of emails or Slack pings that you have to sort through, you just want a single alert that things are off track, and another notice when they’re back to being in good shape.
I recently handled this case using transients, a custom REST API endpoint, and the service UptimeRobot. The context for me was a set of functions that regularly retrieve information from a variety of third-party sources; most of the time it goes fine, but between network issues, changes in third-party API endpoints or HTML source code and other possible errors, occasionally these functions would break and need updating.
First, I established an error function that was called any time some aspect of my site’s custom functionality encountered a problem that might need my attention.
When called, this function increases the counter of the number of errors interacting with a passed third party data source, storing that counter in a transient. As my custom functions run, any failures will be recorded for up to 24 hours. If there are no additional failures to increase the counter and extend the transient expiration time, then the failure data will go away with the assumption that things are back to normal now. (You may need to adjust these assumptions for your use case.)
Then, I create a REST API endpoint on the site that allows me to monitor that failure data externally.
And then a callback function to determine the content of that API endpoint:
public static function mysite_event_fetch_status() {
$error_count = 0;
foreach ( array( 'facebook', 'eventbrite', 'googlecal' ) as $event_source ) {
$fail_data = get_transient( 'event_fetch_failure_' . $event_source );
if ( false !== $fail_data ) {
$error_count += $fail_data['count'];
if ( 0 < $error_count ) {
echo sprintf( 'There have been %d recent event fetch errors.', (int) $error_count );
} else {
echo 'OK';
Now, I have a REST API endpoint available at that will either return OK if there have been no recent problems, or an error message with a count of recent issues. I could expand that output to include more detail about which third-party services are having issues and what those issues are, but for the purposes of a red versus green monitoring setup, the basics are fine and I can look into the details when I investigate.
Finally, I set up a monitor in UptimeRobot to check that endpoint on a regular basis and notify me if there’s a problem:
UptimeRobot monitor screenshot
Just for good measure, I also create an admin notice in the WordPress admin area with a little more detail about what is failing:
All put together, I will now receive alerts as configured in UptimeRobot when my custom functions have issues.
You could go the typical route of generating an email or Slack message about each problem, but in my experience this can quickly create a lot of one-off monitoring and alerting configurations in your life, and that can lead to you missing important information or being desensitized to the notices. Instead, I find it’s worth trying to manage all of my time-sensitive notifications across all of my various projects and services in one place where possible, and UptimeRobot or similar services offer a lot of flexibility for that.